Hanna Granroth-Wilding

Publications and grants


Mobley K.B.*, Granroth-Wilding H.*, Ellmen M., Vähä J.-P., Aykanat T., Johnston S.E., Orell P., Erkinaro J. & Primmer C.R. (2019) Home ground advantage: Local Atlantic salmon have higher reproductive fitness than dispersers in the wild. Science Advances (in press)
* = shared first authorship
Granroth-Wilding H. & Phillips R. (2018) Segregation in space and time explains the coexistence of two sympatric sub-Antarctic petrels. Ibis 161, 101-116
Granroth-Wilding H., Primmer C., Lindqvist M., Poutanen J., Thalmann O., Aspi J., Harmoinen J., Kojola I. & Laaksonen T. (2017) Non-invasive genetic monitoring involving citizen science enables reconstruction of current pack dynamics in a re-establishing wolf population. BMC Ecology 2017, 17:44
Granroth-Wilding H.M.V., Daunt F., Cunningham E.J.A. & Burthe S.J. (2017) Between-individual variation in nematode burden among juvenile wild hosts. Parasitology 144, 248-258
Heidinger B.J., Herborn K.A., Granroth-Wilding H.M.V., Boner W., Burthe S., Newell N., Wanless S., Daunt F. & Monaghan P. (2016) Parental age influences offspring telomere loss. Functional Ecology 30, 1531-1538
Granroth-Wilding H.M.V., Burthe S.J., Lewis S., Herborn K.A., Takahashi E.A., Daunt F. & Cunningham E.J.A. (2015) Indirect effects of parasitism: costs of infection to other individuals can be greater than direct costs borne by the host. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282, 20150602
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Herborn K.A., Daunt F., Heidinger B.J., Granroth-Wilding H.M.V., Burthe S.J., Newell M.A. & Monaghan P. (2015) Age, oxidative stress exposure and fitness in a long-lived seabird. Functional Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12578
Granroth-Wilding H.M.V., Burthe S.J., Lewis S., Reed T.E., Herborn K.A., Newell M.A., Takahashi E.A., Daunt F. & Cunningham E.J.A. (2014) Parasitism in early life: environmental conditions shape within-brood variation in responses to infection. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.1192
Granroth-Wilding H.M.V. & Magurran A.E. (2013) Asymmetry in pay-off predicts how familiar individuals respond to one another. Biology letters 9 (3), pp. 20130025
Reed T.E., Daunt F., Kiploks A.J., Burthe S.J., Granroth-Wilding H.M.V., Takahashi E.A., Newell M., Wanless S. & Cunningham E.J.A. (2012) Impacts of parasites in early life: contrasting effects on juvenile growth for different family members. PLoS ONE 7 (2), e32236
Turner E.C., Granroth H.M.V., Johnson H.R., Lucas C.B.H., Thompson A.M., Froy H., German R.N. & Holdgate R. (2009) Habitat preference and dispersal of the Duke of Burgundy butterfly (Hamearis lucina) on an abandoned chalk quarry in Bedfordshire. UK. Journal of Insect Conservation 13 (5) 475-486.

Conference Presentations

2018 British Ecological Society (talk)
2017 Oikos Finland (poster)
2016 Nordic Society Oikos (poster)
International Society for Behavioural Ecology (poster)
2015 World Seabird Conference (invited talk and poster)
British Ornithologists' Union spring conference – Tracking Birds in Space & Time (poster)
British Ecological Society (poster)
2014 Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Easter Meeting (talk)
International Seabird Group Conference (talk)
2013 British Society For Parasitology Spring Meeting (talk)
British Ornithologists' Union annual spring conference – Avian Demography (poster)
2012 British Ecological Society Annual Meeting (talk)
ISBE International Behavioural Ecology Congress (poster)
Scottish Conference on Animal Behaviour (talk)
2011 CNRS conference: Host-Parasite Coevolution (poster)
International Seabird Group Conference (talk)

Grants and Awards

2016 Individual research grant, Svenska Kulturfonden (University of Helsinki)
2015 Departmental Strategic Research Area grant, University of Turku
2012 British Ecological Society: Anne Keymer prize for best oral presentation by a student at the Annual Meeting
2008 Imperial College, London: Southwood Prize for best Master's thesis in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
2007 Imperial College, London: Departmental Bursary, Master's in Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Research – fees & half maintenance grant for MRes course
Clare College, Cambridge University: Development Fund grant – £500 for summer volunteering for conservation organisations
2006 Zoology Department, Cambridge University: Balfour-Browne grant – £500 for summer fieldwork on butterfly ecology